If I told you I had always been a book lover I would be lying. I haven't even read all of the Harry Potter books. As a child, my mother would read to me and since we didn't have TV, I would watch a lot of films. I would never pick up a book. I was good at school and so my parents never pushed me to read more. My brother ,however, stuggled at school and so my mum used to always buy him books so he could improve his writing skills. He never became a book worm. I remember 'stealing' the first book of A Series Of Unfortunate Events series and falling in love with Lemony Snicket's incredible imaginative yet realistic world. I was captivated by the characters and eagerly awaited their next unfortunate event.
I 'stole' the second book from my brother and then asled for the other's at my birthday. That was the first series I read and from there I never stopped reading. I studied English Literature at school and discovered a whole new range of books. I'm also studying it at Unversity and could not be happier. People do call me a book worm now and i'm told I spend way too much money on books, but it's what makes me smile.
You may now be wondering how books saved my life...what I left out from before, around the time I got into reading, I was also being bullied at school. Looking back on it, I probably started reading to run away from it all, to hide amongst the pages. A few years later, I found other readers; today I am proud to call these people my friends. I still read to hide away from the real world but also to feel closer to the people who live there.
So, thank you bullies, without realising it, you pushed me to find a place where I can truly say i'm happy and is my home.
Books find us all for a reason and in most cases, we will never know why exactly. But. we just have to thank the book fairies in all their wisdom for finding us and blessing us with their knowledge and/or helping us find a way to conquer our struggles.
Here’s to: you sharing your story, you buying too many books even if, you have 10+ unread books on your shelf, you being your beautiful bookworm self, and most importantly, the bullies (despite being asshats) for guiding you home and finding books.
After all, everything happens for a reason.