I fell in love with reading at about 9 years old and my passion for it has grown everyday since, but it wasn't until 2015 when my best friend killed herself , that I found the true power of reading.I was in such a dark place for a long time,I did not know how to cope with all that happend. Then one day I picked up my copy of " the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe" hoping to lose myself in the pages, but instead I did more that lose myself I found the light I needed to get out of the dark .when I was reading through the poems and story I came across "Annabel Lee".It was the way he loved her ,the way he grieved, and the way he was able to continue living even after loosing someone he loved so dearly, showed me that I could too. It showed my that others had felt this pain and that i was not alone.If he could lose the love of his life and still get up everyday then so could I.I will always be grateful to Edgar because I truly believe without him that I would have given into the darkness.I will never forget the day I was saved by the page.
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