I remember whilst I was in my first year of sixth form I was kind of struggling with all the work load. At the time I was reading the Vampire Academy series and I remember that I would just curl up at my Art bay or on a sofa in the common room and read. Granted, I probably should have been working, but at the time I was under a lot of stress from the jump from GCSE to A Level, so all I wanted to do was escape. The Vanpire Academy world provided that solace for me, and took me away from some of my most stressful times, just for a while.
I also read Geekerella by Ashley Poston not so long ago, whilst I was struggling with my identity a little bit. There are so many characters i can identify with from Geekerella, preferably Elle, Sage and Cal. I was able to identify with Elle as a devoted fangirl myself, who had been pushed aside by others. I absolutely loved that Cal and Sage got together at the end of the book, even that small section of LGBT+ representation was a joy for me to read as a newly out gay woman.