Books save life. That's a fact. Books have been saving my life since I was a tiny little girl learning to read at 3 and 4 years old. They've been with me in my worse, but also in my good days. I found friends in them. I found confort. But I also found something else.
You see, when you read too much you start to write too much. Not saying that you publish a book a year, but you have a close relationship with words. And once you realized that, you can voice feelings you didn't even know you could. You find a book within you. The book you've been writing since birth. A book you start to understand better and better each day.
I never wrote a book or published even a poem. But I write; if I do not write I do choke. If I don't write I can't see things properly. I don't write because I have a life. I have a life because I write.
(PS: I'm really sleep deprived right now and a little sick, english not being my first language don't help. Either way, I hope y'all understand what I meant, it is trully from my heart. I keep diaries since I was like seven - and they're all full of thoughts! I write my own chronicles that helps to deal with my mental health. Basically, writing helps me to keep sane. I thought I needed to say here. o/)
My greatest friend in this life has always and will always be the books in my hand and my heart. A close relationship with words is the most beautiful there is. Thank you for sharing your story <3.
XOXO Lilly
I feel with you. And you words describe so good how most of us feel but can't write down like this. Books are special and writing is more important than people who don't write can ever imagine.