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Forum Posts

Kelly Schuyler
May 23, 2018
I have anxiety and major depression. I try to read a little everyday to give my brain a break from reality. I also like to write, but lately the negative thoughts have been taking over (not enough reading I guess). Is there anyone else that goes through this? Books take me to another dimension of a different reality. I need that break from my own chaos so that I can function in this world. If I could possibly thank every author of every book I have ever read (LONG LIST), I wouldn't even have enough time to cover them all. I am hoping to get something written and published one day soon. Maybe, I will be an author that saves someone else's life!! That would be me paying it forward. <3
Kelly Schuyler
May 04, 2018
The reason I read and write is to take me to another reality when I am needing a break from this one. I read to get away, I write to make my own reality. I like sci-fi, YA mystery and YA paranormal, I like ghost stories and poetry. I like to read and write all of the aforementioned. I am hoping to use this place as an outlet.

Kelly Schuyler

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