Many People ask me why I read and I always say because I love it. The truth is reading saved my life. My parents seperated when I was 9 years old and my mom and I moved from Brooklyn, NY to Puerto Rico. It was a very confusing time for me and I never expressed any unhappiness to the adults around me. I became very quite and lived alot in my own head. Whenever I felt sad I would pick up a book. I wanted out of my own head and reality. Reading did this for me. When I became a teenager I became more sad and depressed (even though at the time I didn't know what I was experiencing was depression) and I started to self harm. When things in my head became really bad, books where there to take me away. Now I'm 39 years old in a better place but I still expierence depression and anxiety and I still read. Reading reminds me that I'm not alone and it allows me a break from whatever is inside my head.
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