I'm not the only person in this world with parents who fought all the time but during grade 6 and 7 in primary school my father was constantly taking mum to court for stupid things just because she filed for divorce before him. During the custardy battle, he would constantly try to come to the school and stuff to try to get us to see him. It terrified me and still does because he is still playing games with us. But during the time I would hide out in the library during lunch and get lost in the world of Geronimo and Thea Stilton. When I read about all of their adventures, I let go of the terrifying thoughts in my head and focused on their world and adventures. At the beginning of grade 8, all the problems were done with, and my sisters and I were safe from our father. But I was still left with panic attacks, and I had this recurring nightmare. In year 8 I reckon I read half the books in the fiction section of the library which, as probably everyone has experienced, it gave me an escape. At the end of year 8 is when I met my 5 best friends; I had first met one of them, who has exactly the same taste in books as me, was looking for a book and I had helped her find it, they brought me out of my shell and I started to hang out with them at lunch instead of the library and I became overall happier. But when my thoughts turn back to my father and how terrified I felt, I still grab one of the many Thea Stilton books I had acquired and read it until I feel in a better mindset.
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