In my family I was always the loud obnoxious kid around. I was never out of energy, I was clearly happy. Up until middle school and hitting puberty, I became very self-conscious and I just moved away from my old school. So I was pretty shy and didn't make a lot of friends. Middle school was my lowest point of my life. My creativity was low and I couldn't really think creatively and I fell into a pit of doubt and always feeling unsafe. I was moody, sad and questioned my existence. I hated how i felt every time I thought about the future and reality and it would kill me to know I had no purpose and really appreciate middle school life and not drown. It was in my last few weeks of eighth grade did I really pick up a book and felt different. It was a children's book but I didn't care. Reading the book felt refreshing and made me assured that I was safe. From that point on I went on reading more and more, although I had my low times, I got that same book and feel that childhood giddiness again of living in worlds that were made by creators, with a reality that was different and special. And I want to join those worlds. Escaping reality into one that welcomes me.
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