i have always been a reader. its just in my blood. in 5th grade The Land of Stories helped me transition to a new school where i didnt know anyone and was having a hard time in school. It helped me again the next year when i moved to another school and was bullied. it helps me calm down and forget about reality and the fact that i probably have to do homework. Reading is my happy place where i can pretend that i live with dragons and fight the bad guys. Where i can pretend that i found true love. People think I’m wierd for reading but its one of my calming mechanisms for when something really hard is going on. Reading gives me hope that tomorrow will be better and i won’t be so sad. It gives me hope that one day i will write a novel and i can help a young girl going through the same things i went through. Reading for me is going into the story and believe that happy endings can happen.
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