Reading was a struggle for me growing up. It took me longer than most kids because . I have dyslexia, I was placed in special classes to catch up as I had fallen behind. My grandpa gave me the first Harry Potter books as incentive to read and once I got started I couldn't stop. I loved them and read through them improving my ablility as I needed more and more. As a teenager I suffered with Major Depressive Disorder and I still do today. I threw myself into reading when I had hard days. Finding a world to fall into that made the stuggle I fought with every day made it a little less painful. I didn't know there was a name for what I had and the only cure when I felt empty was to fill it with a book. I struggled day to day with feeling empty and alone well into university when I finally had a name for the problems I faced. My love for books has not deminished infact I encourage those around me to pick up a book when they need a few moments of peace as they are soemthing that continues to be a comfort for me.
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My friend, what an inspiring tale. I'm happy to know that in your hardest times, you can find comfort in the pages of books. Keep on being a fighter, using words to combat your darkest emotions.