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Forum Posts

Jan 10, 2018
After I started reading on daily basis I figured things about myself. I was nine or ten at the time and you were nerd if you read a lot. So that I was. I continued reading as I loved it and didn't care at that age how others saw me. Later on I started to feel bit left out at school but with books I was never feeling like I was alone. I could dive into a book and then feel better. Reading really helped me though the hardest parts of my youth (ages 13-15). I lost a friend I had trusted and I was feeling out of place but thanks to the books and the words in them I knew I was going to be fine. With books I never got the feeling that I was there all alone and it was OK to be bookworm. It was OK to be me. And now that has come out stronger, I dare to tell people how I love reading and I am a book nerd, but so what? So are millions of others too. I love reading and that's what matters the most. #proudbookworm


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